Our Partners
BALKANI ETTEVÕTLUSINSTITUUT (Balkien) on eraõiguslik avalik kasu teeniv mittetulunduslik juriidiline isik. See asutati 2016. aastal Kreekas Kalamatas. Balkien viib läbi Balkani riikide majandusarengu ja nende vaheliste suhetega seotud peamiste küsimuste uurimist ja andmete analüüsi, edendab innovatsiooni ja ettevõtlust erinevate asutuste (omavalitsused, riiklikud ja avalikud organisatsioonid, eraorganisatsioonid, haridusasutused, klastrid, ühistud) koostöö kaudu, et harida, koolitada ja toetada asjaosalisi - eriti noori kõigil haridustasemetel - eesmärgiga edendada nende ametialast arengut, arendada sotsiaalmajandust ja edendada Balkani riikide koostööd nendes küsimustes, koostöö edendamine, samuti teadmiste ja kogemuste vahetamine Balkani riikide kõrgkoolide vahel, seminaride korraldamine rahvusvaheliste ekspertidega ja vähemate võimalustega inimeste mitteformaalse hariduse arendamine.
Forwardspace on ettevõtluse arendamise organisatsioon, mis on keskendunud peamiselt idufirmade ja IT-sektori keskkonna arendamisele. Pakume ka koostöötamis võimalust Pärnu kesklinnas ettevõtetele ja vabakutselistele.
Forwardspace korraldab erinevaid seminare ja koolitusi, äritöökodasid, mentoritunde, kohtumisi investoritega, kokkusaamisi ja muid üritusi.
Teiselt poolt on Forwardspace mitmesuguste valdkondade (IKT-st sotsiaalsete ettevõtjateni) ettevõtlike spetsialistide kogukond, kes toetavad üksteist sünergilises keskkonnas oma äri kasvatamiseks ja individuaalseks rikastamiseks.
European University Cyprus
European University Cyprus (EUC) was founded in 2007 and developed out of Cyprus College, which was established in 1961. Today, EUC operates five Schools, namely, the School of Humanities, Social and Education Sciences, the School of Business Administration, the School of Sciences, the Medical School, and the School of Law, with the mission to educate students for successful careers and life achievement, to understand and serve the needs of society, and to create knowledge through research and innovation. In 2020, EUC establish the Centre of Excellence in Research & Innovation in Social Sciences, the Arts and the Humanities, an interdisciplinary Research Centre at the European University Cyprus.
It promotes active collaboration between researchers, theorists, academics, practitioners and the public towards achieving interdisciplinary scientific excellence and promoting social change. Adopting an approach of Responsible Research, Sustainability, and Innovation, the Centre particularly aims at enabling the public’s participation in broadening the development of today’s knowledge-based society, through the public’s engagement with the Social Sciences, the Arts and the Humanities. The Centre has a current/running research funding of more than 1,000,000 Euros with more than 17 running research projects of the Centre. The Centre consists of 6 Multidisciplinary Research Units (MRUs) with an inter-disciplinary group of experts and researchers.
National Centre of Science and Technology
NEMO Science Museum is the largest science center in the Netherlands with about 665.000 visitors pre-COVID19. The educational department (Science Learning Center, SLC) of NEMO Science Museum is a center of expertise with regard to informal science learning. NEMO’s Science Learning Centre (SLC) has participated in many projects on a national and international (EU) level, like, STEMitUP, TINKERING, OSOS, SALL and Hypatia. NEMO was coordinator of the EU H2020 project Hypatia. The Science Learning Centre has a close collaboration with the Department of Psychology of the University of Amsterdam. Together NEMO and the University conduct research on science learning in formal settings. For this purpose NEMO opened a research lab in the science centre, where science centre visitors are asked to participate in research and prototype activities.
The Science Learning Centre has extensive experience in teacher training and the development of (learning) activities. NEMO has its own Teachers’ Club with 2000 members and is regularly organising trainings for teachers both primary and secondary while also developing educational material and conducting outreach activities too. Furthermore NEMO has gained a lot of expertise in the field of gender and S&T education as well in several S&T methodologies such as Tinkering, Inquiry based learning and learning by design. Since 2018 NEMO invested in working with difficult to reach target groups and gained expertise in community learning and welcoming new groups such. NEMO welcomes every year students from the age group of 4 years old to university students and gained expertise in the development of educational material for these different age groups.
Ustanova Hiša eksperimentov
Ustanova Hiša eksperimentov (UHE) is a curiosity, creativity, critical thinking, and active engagement empowering centre - some call it also the Science Centre. The idea of establishing such a centre started in 1994. UHE was established as a nonprofit foundation in 1996. Our temporary exhibitions around Slovenia resulted in a permanent collection on the premises by the Ljubljana municipality. UHE attracts yearly around 25.000 visitors. UHE is the place where the enjoyment of learning, promoting science, and humor intertwine. Visitors can interact with over 60 “hands-on” exhibits with all developed, designed, and built-in UHE.
They can explore each exhibit containing a written explanation that unobtrusively invites them to immerse deeply into science while experimenting. A new exhibit is constantly checked in its usage, improves weak points, and enhances its attractiveness. The statement “Learning is fun” describes our primary mission – the promotion of enjoyment in learning. We believe that learning by experimenting and testing yourself is the right way to obtain new knowledge and increase the desire to acquire even more knowledge. UHE is taking part in building a Knowledge-based society, a society open to exchange ideas, whether scientific discoveries, innovations in the industry, or personal insight. It is a society of curious and open-minded people who are not afraid to admit to some ignorance and try to find the answers to their questions. The free exchange of ideas between individuals makes society richer.
Patrase ülikool (UofP) asub Kreekas Achaias Patrases ja asutati 1964. aastal, koosnedes 7 koolist ja 35 osakonnast. Koosseisu kuulub palju sektoreid ja sellest tulenevalt suurt hulka erialasid, pakkudes 35 bakalaureuse- ja 50 kraadiõppeprogrammi. Üks peamisi eesmärke on uute teadmiste loomine teadusuuringute edendamise kaudu. See muudab ülikooli eriti aktiivseks teadustöös, millel on hea maine kvaliteedi ja innovaatilisuse poolest. 2020 aasta QS World Ranking / Top Universitys oli UofP 751–800 kohal. Koos muude tegevustega haldab UofP võõrkeelte õpetamise üksust ja elukestva õppe hariduskeskust. Ülikool juhib ärijuhtimise alal bakalaureuse-, kraadiõppe- ja doktoriõppe programmi, järgides uusimaid teaduse arenguid ning hõlmab kõiki teemasid, mis on seotud äri-, era-, avaliku ja mittetulundussektori ettevõtlusega.